Evaluation of measurement uncertainty in Medical Laboratories (Top-Down Approach)

IMG 20221230 114200

 Evaluation of measurement uncertainty in Medical Laboratories

The training course on the evaluation of measurement uncertainty in Medical Laboratories (Top-Down Approach) with MUKIT and Analyse-it and based on the requirements of ISO 15189:2022 standard was held at smart health tower. Smart Health Tower is a modern hospital that uses sophisticated technology to provide a high-quality service to its patients in Iraq and outside of Iraq. Smart Health Tower is composed of many different branches providing different medical services i.e. Smart Hospital, Smart Radiology Center, Smart Laboratories, Smart Pharmacy, Smart Clinics, etc. We take a wholesome approach to providing the best and most cost-efficient care to our patients.

Venue of the course: Sulaymaniyah – smart health tower

Date of the course: 26 to 28 December

presented by: Dr. Mostafa Dastmardi

The purpose of this training course:

Understand the evaluation of measurement uncertainty based on ISO/TS 20914 & CLSI EP29;

Learn different approaches to evaluating measurement uncertainty (Top-Down & GUM);

Select and apply the statistics required during the evaluation of measurement uncertainty;

Ability to work with MUKit and Analyse-it software for estimating measurement uncertainty.

Apply statistical principles through laptop-based workshops;

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Evaluation of measurement uncertainty table of contents:

1- Evaluation Measurement Uncertainty: General

1-1- The Concept of Measurement Uncertainty

1-2- Why Measurement Uncertainty is Important

1-3- Evaluation of measurement uncertainty: ISO 15189:2022 ‌requirements

1-4- Summary of Measurement Uncertainty Calculation Requirements Based on Category of Testing

2- Strategies to Estimate Measurement Uncertainty

3- Evaluation of measurement uncertainty in Medical Laboratories (relevant standards)

4- The basic principles of the Top-Down approach

5- Specify measurand for evaluation of measurement Uncertainty

6- Quantify within-lab reproducibility u(RW)

6-1- Quantify within-lab reproducibility u(RW) using control sample covering the whole analytical process

6-2- Quantify within-lab reproducibility u(RW) using Control samples and routine sample replicates

6-3- Quantify within-lab reproducibility u(RW) Some important points

7- Quantify method and laboratory bias (ubias)

7-1- Quantify method and laboratory bias (ubias)  using Certified Reference Material

7-2- Quantify method and laboratory bias (ubias) using proficiency testing results

7-3- Quantify method and laboratory bias (ubias) using the recovery test results

8- Calculate combined standard uncertainty and expanded uncertainty

9- Reporting Measurement Results and Their Uncertainties

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Coordination for holding the Evaluation of measurement uncertainty training course:

You can contact us to arrange for the “Evaluation of measurement uncertainty in Medical Laboratories (Top-Down Approach and GUM Approach)” training course.

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